Engine 4122
Engine 4122 is a 1999 Pierce Quantum engine with a 1,250 gallon per minute pump and a 750 gallon water tank. Engine 4122 carries over 3,500 feet of hose line which includes 1.75 inch and 2.5 inch “attack” line for fire suppression and 4 inch “supply line.” Engine 4122 is our primary apparatus for fire responses within the Fire District. Engine 4122 carries a crew of 6 personnel: 1 Driver trained as a Pump Operator, 1 Line Officer, and up to 4 Firefighters.

Engine 4121
Engine 4121 is a 2007 Pierce Quantum engine with a 1,250 gallon per minute pump and a 750 gallon water tank. Engine 4121 carries over 3,500 feet of hose line which includes 1.75 inch and 2.5 inch “attack” line for fire suppression and 4 inch “supply line.” Engine 4121 is our primary apparatus for mutual aid requests, outdoor fires, fallen powerlines, and fire responses when Engine 4121 is unavailable. Engine 4121 carries a crew of 6 personnel: 1 Driver that is trained as a Pump Operator, 1 Line Officer, and up to 4 Firefighters.

Heavy Rescue 4144
Heavy Rescue 4144 is a 2021 Pierce Quantum Heavy Rescue that carries specialized equipment required for a variety of rescues. Heavy Rescue 4144 is equipped with HURST equipment otherwise known as the “Jaws of Life” for motor vehicle accidents in the Town as well as equipment for water, ice, and wilderness rescue scenarios. Heavy Rescue 4144 can carry up to a crew of 8 personnel: 1 Driver, 1 Line Officer, and up to 6 Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians.

Rescue 4140
Rescue 4140 is a 2016 Chevrolet 2500 Duramax pickup truck with a SpaceKap compartment. Rescue 4140 carries all equipment required by the New York State Department of Health to be certified as a Basic Life Support First Response vehicle. This includes medical equipment, an Automatic External Deliberator (AED), trauma equipment, and various medications such as Oxygen, Naloxone, Epinephrine, and Albuterol. Rescue 4140 is our primary apparatus for all medical emergencies. Rescue 4140 carries a crew of 4 personnel: 1 Driver, 1 Line Officer, and 2 Emergency Medical Technicians.

Water Rescue 4145
Water Rescue 4145 is a 2022 Diamond Back Airboat with a Levitator MS.70 525 Horsepower 7.4L Engine. Water Rescue 4145 provides unique capability in our County due to its flat bottom and fan propulsion. Water Rescue 4145 is capable of supporting rescues both on the water and on the ice. It carries all equipment required to enter the water and provide basic medical care. Water Rescue 4145 carries a crew of 3 personnel: 1 Boat Qualified Driver, 1 Boat Qualified Line Officer, and 1 Boat Qualified Rescuer.